The Teachings of Tenrikyo

The Truth of Origin

Though Tsukihi looks all over the world, there is no one who knows the origin.

Ofudesaki XIII:30


Desiring to teach this origin to the world by all means, Tsukihi has become revealed.

Ofudesaki XIII:31


The reason Tsukihi began human beings was the desire to see you lead a joyous life.

Ofudesaki XIV:25

*The Ofudesaki, The Tip of the Writing Brush, was written by Oyasama Herself and contains 1,711 verses in seventeen parts.

What is the Truth of Origin?

The Truth of Origin is presented in a story of the creation of human beings. The story tells us why, by whom, when, where, and how human beings were created. Through the story, God the Parent taught us the origin and fundamental principles of human existence. God revealed the Truth of Origin in order to guide us human beings to the true path that leads to salvation.

What does the story of creation have to do with those of us living in this age?

God the Parent teaches us that God created human beings in the beginnings of origin of this world in order to see us live the Joyous Life and to share in it and that God lends each of us a body so we can realize the Joyous Life, with our mind being the only thing that we can use freely. Even though we are endowed with the free use of our mind, we may have to go through some difficulties and troubles, if our use of the mind deviates from the Joyous Life, the purpose of human creation. Therefore, keeping in mind the joyous way of living is important for those of us living in this or any age if we are to settle matters within ourselves, our families, our society, and the world.