Contribution and Dedication
(Tsukushi-Hakobi) [3]

by Yoshikazu Fukaya

In the present article, we will focus on some important points that apply to both "contribution" and "dedication."

God the Parent invariably accepts the sincerity we contribute and dedicate and responds to it by bringing us great joy.

Needless to say, however, we should be wary of getting impatient and wanting our desired results to be shown quickly or letting our contribution and dedication be motivated by a desire to receive rewards.

The Divine Directions warn us, in effect: "'After all this effort of contribution, why aren't there any signs of this disease being cured? If only this could be cured!' Such cloudy thoughts cannot be called sincerity. Despite your effort of contribution, the disappointment and regret with which you are filling your mind are penetrating into your stomach day by day, with the result that you have to suffer" (e.g., Osashizu, August 3, 1888: June 20, 1890). Also, God the Parent encourages us by saying, in effect: "Never think that your efforts came to nothing or were wasted on seeing provisional results. Various troubles that appear are weeding and fertilizing that enable the seeds of sincerity--sown in the field of God the Parent?to sprout well and yield abundant fruit. Every seed you have sown through your contribution will certainly sprout, though you may not know where that will happen. There is no waste of contribution" (Osashizu, April 13, 1899).

In a Divine Direction delivered on July 13, 1892, God the Parent taught:

You might make daily effort of dedication. Yet I cannot accept if you say, "Boy, it was hot," or, "Boy, it was hard work."

Osashizu, July 13, 1892

Concerning contribution and dedication, what is important is the mind of true sincerity, not mere outward actions. We are also taught that another important thing is the mind of joyous acceptance that savors the deep parental heart of God the Parent in whatever happens in the course of daily life and that leads us to express gratitude to God at the end of each day for providing for us and guiding along splendidly (Osashizu, July 27, 1892).

The mind of "joyous acceptance"--a mind filled with joy and gratitude--arises from profoundly realizing our own causality.

On July 4, 1892, church leaders requested a Divine Direction, saying: "Some staff ministers of churches are giving up their occupations in order to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the path. What is the will of God about this?" God the Parent responded: "If their resolve comes from a genuine understanding of causality, let them go ahead with their resolve at this time" (Osashizu, July 4, 1892).

"Contribution and dedication" should not be seen as compulsory practices but ought to be carried out spontaneously, based on a realization of one's causality and accompanied by a genuine feeling of joy. The Divine Direction above also seems to imply that people will only be able to implement these practices if their resolve is firm and strong.

For this reason, God the Parent says of those who carry out contribution firmly grounded in true sincerity:

Despite your difficult journey, you have been carrying out contribution and dedication well. I accept your repeated efforts of contribution and dedication.

Osashizu, September 22, 1890

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