Dust and Innen: Conclusion

In the Ofudesaki, it is taught:

If only the innermost hearts of all humankind are swept clean,

Then, the whole world will be spirited and joyousness will come of its own accord.

Ofudesaki XIII:24-25

Dusts of the mind, worries, and complaints are caused when we think that we can settle anything in the world by our own powers.

We should make the effort to sweep the mind clean with the understanding of the truth that the human body is a thing borrowed and that the mind alone is ours, and we should acknowledge our own innen. As we advance thus toward spiritual maturity, we come to understand completely that we are being kept alive by God the Parent. Then, we shall always be immersed in joyful brightness and great peace because we shall know for sure that, if only we are in accord with the divine will, we shall be blessed always with God's grace.

This is indeed the first step toward the Joyous Life.

(The above is an excerpt from Dust and Innen, first published in September 1982. Quotations from the Ofudesaki and the Kakisage have been replaced by the revised, current translations.)