Sowing Seeds of Sincerity

When you sow seeds of sincerity, what is it that is actually planted? It is not a piece of work itself, but heartfelt and sincere joy. Keep this point in mind when you get to work.

April 21, 1962: 38th Tenrikyo Young Men's Association Convention

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Engaging in manual labor, such as plowing the ground and carrying earth, is not the only way to sow seeds of sincerity at Jiba. After all, sowing seeds of sincerity really means to fully settle the truth of the Jiba in our heart. To this end, then, it is also important for you to have a breathing space in yourself to read the Ofudesaki, listen to lectures on the Osashizu, and appreciate your predecessors' efforts. To put a maximum amount of effort into your manual labor is not unimportant, yet it is even more essential to have a sense of ease that will allow joy to settle in you before you go back home.

April 21, 1966: 42nd Tenrikyo Young Men's Association Convention