Contribution and Dedication

Contribution and dedication mean "contributing our utmost sincerity" and "dedicating our utmost sincerity." In the Kakisage, these words are used in the sense of "contributing the mind of sincerity" and "dedicating the mind of sincerity." The Kakisage tells us, moreover, that contribution and dedication should not be made with the thought that we are helping others but rather with the understanding that these acts concern us directly.

Additionally, offering money--the fruits of our labor--out of our sense of gratitude to God the Parent is often called "otsukushi," which translates as "contribution," since what is embodied in this act is nothing short of our sincerity. This practice does not simply help us have our sincerity accepted by God the Parent. Offering something that can easily become an object of greed helps us to let go of greed, thus sweeping "dust" from the mind.

The term "dedication" may also refer to visiting one's church to worship or do hinokishin.

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Offering our sincerity

In the Divine Directions, we read:

I do not bless you for the things you offer. It is the mind filled with gratitude that I accept. . . . Offer to Me your minds filled with promise, filled with promise. Then I shall accept, I shall accept. If you do it with tears, with tears, God cannot accept.

Osashizu, July 20, 1902

It is of paramount importance for us to make efforts of contribution and dedication with the mind of gratitude and joy as well as with the sincerity in desiring to be used for God the Parent's work.

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Giving our sincerity tangible form

Some churches encourage their Yoboku to install small offering boxes in their homes. These boxes enable Yoboku to make monetary offerings each day--thereby giving their sincerity tangible form--in order to express their thanks to God the Parent for guiding them splendidly through the day.

We may make offerings at the monthly services out of gratitude for the blessings we received during the month. We may also make offerings to God to express our gratitude and prayers at various turning points in life, such as marriage, giving birth, entering and graduating from school, proceeding to higher education, getting a job, opening up a shop, and building a house.

From the Scriptures

I have firmly accepted the efforts of contribution and dedication you have made until now. I have accepted them as the truth for a lifetime and for eternity.

Osashizu, June 28, 1899