Single-hearted Salvation (Tasuke ichijo)

by Yoshikazu Fukaya

What is God the Parent's intention? What is the way of responding to that intention? How can we live up to the intention? The answers to these questions can be summed up as "single-hearted salvation"--which was consistently demonstrated throughout the fifty-year course of Oyasama's Divine Model.

Single-hearted salvation means to live each day with the mind that single-heartedly desires the salvation of others. Single-hearted salvation is not, however, necessarily limited to missionaries and church ministers--which is to say, people who, outwardly, engage exclusively in salvation work.

It can be said that the life of those who put aside their personal and family concerns and devote themselves exclusively to missionary and salvation work is full of spark and fire for single-hearted salvation. Indeed more and more people need to follow in their footsteps if all people throughout the world are to be saved. This, undoubtedly, is what Oyasama must be longing for. This is not to say, however, that those who are working at regular jobs are unable to make any contribution to single-hearted salvation. Each and every person who follows this path can live in a manner that is referred to by the term "single-hearted salvation."

Any utmost effort to serve the needs of others under given circumstances--such as speaking words of kindness to others to help brighten their minds at home or in the workplace, giving consideration to others and taking thoughtful action to make it easier for them to do their work, listening sincerely to others' problems, and sharing with others how this path has been enabling you to live each day cheerfully and brightly--can be admirable salvation work.

To begin with, it is important to implement any salvation work you can; then move on to try to do even one or two things you have previously been unable to do. Above all, it is important to live each day with the mind that desires to do as much as possible to help others be saved.

When you finally see the wonderful blessing of someone's salvation for which you have made utmost efforts, joy will arise--which is the greatest of joys you can ever experience as human beings. Only Yoboku who "single-heartedly" devote themselves to salvation work can savor it.