Separating / Decisiveness (Shikiri)

by Yoshikazu Fukaya

The following meanings are contained in the words "shikiri" or "shikiru": (1) to obstruct progress toward one's destination, to block a path (2) to section or partition off; to separate; something that sections or separates such as a boundary or fence (3) to close a transaction or account; to fulfill a contract (4) to settle a matter (5) and two Sumo wrestlers putting themselves into position to face off in a match.

On January 13, 1887, when the first Shinbashira requested, "Please give us a directive that will uphold both the directions of God and the laws of the country," Oyasama said, "Your attempt to find a way to separate (shikiru) matters is wrong." This is Oyasama instructing us that we should not consider God the Parent's teachings and national laws as two entities that could be compared and contrasted on an equal footing. Here, Oyasama's instruction teaches that the perceived conflict between the path of faith and the ways of the world will be resolved through our efforts to be single-hearted with God. Here, the word "shikiru" most likely reflects the meanings of (1) and (2).

In the Osashizu from May 8, 1907, we read, "By all means, have decisive courage, decisive strength, and decisive wisdom. I must have you embark on the path of decisiveness by all means necessary." These words urged followers to rouse themselves as they headed toward the 30th Anniversary of Oyasama. This Divine Direction implies that by deciding on a date, committing ourselves to a goal, resolving to fulfill the promises we made by all means, and dedicating ourselves to our utmost, we will be able to exert an amount of strength that is normally unthinkable and accomplish achievements we did not even dream were possible. Presently, the words "shikiri" and "shikiru" in Tenrikyo are mostly used in such a proactive sense.

It is often said that an emergency such as a fire brings out unforeseen strength in people. In less dire circumstances, as well, similar things happen. In sports, athletes can overcome what were thought to be the limits of their physical capacity as they keep working toward a national or international championship title, for example. What makes that possible can be called decisive courage and decisive strength.

In our case, we are able to make clear progress when we establish a goal, commit ourselves to it, and drive ourselves to achieve it in a spirit of doing whatever is necessary. Oyasama withdrew from physical life in order to hasten the spiritual growth of Her children. The anniversaries of Oyasama represent the "path of decisiveness" that She provided for us out of Her parental love as the means for us to decisively make spiritual growth each decade.