Oneness in Two (Futatsu-hitotsu)

by Yoshikazu Fukaya

The foundation of human existence is seen as coming from the providence of "oneness in two," referring to pairs of opposite characteristics and functions--symbolized by such things as earth and heaven, fire and water, and warmth and moisture--coming together as one.

In the Ofudesaki, Oyasama tells us:

The earth and heaven of this world is your real Parent. Out of this, human beings were born.

Ofudesaki X:54

It is by God's workings manifested through the unity of opposites that the world and human beings were created and have been and are even now sustained.

Such opposites need to complement each other and unite as one while at the same time giving full expression to their characteristics, abilities, and natures if life is to thrive and grow. Such is the unshakable and fundamental principle that sustains the human world.

When husband and wife, or man and woman, who have completely different characteristics, unite into one, a new life can come into being. The child will grow up strong and happy if the father and mother--who form a pair of opposites often regarded as characterized by reason and emotion--unite into the truth of parents as one.

God the Parent says in a Divine Direction:

If you listen and understand the truth of oneness in two, all will settle.

Osashizu, March 3, 1889

In this world, we often find differing and conflicting views and positions at various levels and dimensions, ranging from emotional entanglements and disagreements between the husband and wife, parent and child, bride and her-mother-in-law to a clash of opinions between the right and left wing, management and labor, producers and consumers, natural resource-producing countries and consuming countries, developed countries and developing countries, etc. At first glance, it may seem quite difficult to reconcile conflicting opinions and claims. Yet, a way can be found to allow for an amicable settlement if the parties involved ponder over the providence of the true Parent of the world, God the Parent, and try to understand and respect each other's point of view in the light of the truth of heaven and the intention of God, rather than merely insisting on one's own opinions and denying the other's. This way of bringing about a settlement is not a mere compromise; rather, it will unite two as one while fully harnessing the fundamental characteristics and life-energy of each.