"True Mind" (Shinjitsu no kokoro)

This expression refers to just what it says--which is also termed the "sincere mind" and the "mind of sincerity." The Scriptures contain many references to the true mind, which is also frequently mentioned in other texts intended to explain the teachings.

Tenrikyo teaches that human beings are God's children and that God the Parent's mind is being shared with the human mind. Thus, although the human mind may ordinarily be covered with "dust," its essence is something that shares in God's mind. This is what is stressed by such expressions as the "true mind" and the "sincere mind." God the Parent and Oyasama desire people to quickly awaken to the true mind. Say the Scriptures:

According to your mind of sincerity, I deny My protection to no one, whoever you may be.

Ofudesaki IV:95

Tsukihi desires you to have a sincere mind because I wish to train you in all matters.

Ofudesaki X:65

Sah, sah, if there is the true mind, the world [will settle], I say. If there always is the mind of true sincerity, it will bring a settling to families. The truth of natural spontaneity is found wherever sincerity is.

Osashizu, December 7, 1888

(This article was first published in the September 2002 issue of TENRIKYO.)