"Sincerity" (Jitsu)

Also translatable as "reality" or "real" (depending on its part of speech), this term may refer to truth, fruit, and substantiveness, besides sincerity.

The term occurs in such scriptural passages as the following (underlines added):

The earth and heaven of this world is your real Parent. Out of this, human beings were born.

Ofudesaki X:54

Those with shortcomings are sometimes called "fools." Despite any shortcomings, those who follow the path finding delight in the sincerity of single-heartedness serve as the foundation of the path.

Osashizu, July 2, 1895

If you want to engage in theorizing, go by the truths of the world. The path of God needs no such theorizing. Sincerity alone is the truth of heaven. You would do well to go by sincerity.

Osashizu, July 26, 1889

Sah, sah, where there is sincerity, you shall receive sincerity. You may not know what My sincerity is. It is My providence--fire, water, and wind.

Osashizu, January 13, 1887

A key aspect of sincerity is described as substantiating it through action that comes from the depths of one's heart. We read, for example:

Each of you, clearly express sincerity (shinjitsu) from your innermost heart. Then the blessings will be seen at once.

Ofudesaki VII:32

The extract below is taken from a Divine Direction that was delivered in response to an inquiry relating to Tenrikyo's application submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for sectarian independence. The passage says that once society is convinced of the sincerity of those who are following the path and comes to appreciate the truth taught in the path, Tenrikyo's sectarian independence will be accomplished of itself.

Contrary to your thought that everything will be fine once the authorities have given approval, this path is not easy to follow. It is not easy to establish. It is something that will come about when what is called "sincerity" settles in the world and is established as the basis for reasoning. It will not be a long time anymore. It will come about in the not too distant future. Not that anyone would say, "I have approved it," or "He has approved it." It will come to be by itself. There is one who is governing the world.

Osashizu, July 14, 1900

(This article was first published in the May 2007 issue of TENRIKYO.)