"Being Depressed"

Also translated as "being disheartened," the term refers to such states of mind as being in low spirits, being dispirited, being half-hearted, and being negative in outlook. Indicating a mind that has yet to mature, the term is the opposite of "being spirited."

The phrase "God is spirited" describes a condition in which God the Parent's providence is fully at work, and the phrase "God is depressed" its opposite condition (Ofudesaki I:10-14). The Scriptures cite the following examples, among others, of causes of God's being depressed: the failure of followers to practice their faith for fear of punishment by the authorities (Ofudesaki IV:69); lack of understanding of God the Parent's teachings on the part of those in leadership positions (Ofudesaki XIV:3); ignorance of God the Parent's original intention in creation (Ofudesaki XIV:26); the followers' procrastination resulting from a lack of understanding of God the Parent's intention to save human beings (Ofudesaki VII:48, XIV:2-4); lack of progress in their spiritual growth and the fact that the time is not yet ripe (Ofudesaki VI:24); and their heading down a mistaken path as a result of failing to inquire into God the Parent's heart (Osashizu, February 12, 1894). When God is depressed, God's providence is held back.

Some of the reasons why we human beings become depressed, according to Tenrikyo, are that our minds are not spacious (Osashizu, December 24, 1892), that we allow ourselves to get caught up in worrying about things that we do not need to worry about (Osashizu, May 1, 1892; July 1, 1894), and that we are having to confront our bodily disorders or pains though we have not yet settled the one truth (God the Parent's teachings) in our minds (that is, we have not understood the one truth) (Osashizu, May 17, 1893).

If God becomes depressed, human beings and the world will become depressed. Conversely, if human beings become depressed, God will also become depressed. If God becomes depressed, the divine providence is prevented from pervading the world sufficiently. Then, agricultural crops will not be produced in abundance, and all activities of human society will become sluggish (Ofudesaki I:12). In order to have God the Parent become spirited, the most important thing is to complete the Service perfectly (Ofudesaki I:11-15).

In order to have God the Parent become spirited, the most important thing is to complete the Service perfectly (Ofudesaki I:11-15).

(This article was first published in the October 2004 issue of TENRIKYO.)