"The Replacement of the Mind" (Kokoro no irekae)

Tenrikyo's teaching of salvation attaches great significance to states of mind. For instance, the Mikagura-uta teaches, "The origin of illness lies in your own mind" (X:10). Our use of the mind is mirrored by God the Parent as our realities. By thus helping us notice and correct our use of the mind, God the Parent provides the blessing of salvation.

God the Parent seeks to save us by showing the path by which we can sweep away "dust," which is a metaphor for our mistaken use of the mind. Such scriptural phrases as the "sweeping of the heart" and the "cleansing of the heart" likewise indicate sweeping away the dust of the mind.

We also read:

If only the dusts are cleanly swept away, then I shall work marvelous salvation.

Ofudesaki III:98

It is important to correct one's mistaken use of the mind on the basis of God the Parent's teachings and return to the true mind that accords with God the Parent's intention. Such a transformation of the mind is referred to as the "replacement of the mind."

To sweep the mind, it is necessary not only to reflect on and repent of the states of mind that are indicated as "eight kinds of dust" but also to correct the fundamental stance of mind--that which forms the basis of one's use of the mind. The Ofudesaki says:

And though each of you throughout the world has been pondering until now,

To My sorrow, no matter how deeply you have pondered, you have no mind to save others.

From now, Tsukihi requests you, everyone in the world, to replace your mind firmly.


As implied by these verses, God the Parent desires human beings to save one another. An attitude of caring about others and saving others characterizes the true mind. It is taught that one should replace one's self-centered mind and uncover the true mind. Salvation, which God the Parent guarantees, comes in response to the true mind.

(This article was first published in the September 2002 issue of TENRIKYO.)