
When contrasted with the term "Besseki," the Honseki refers to the "main seat" where the truth of the Sazuke is bestowed.

There is another sense in which this term is used. It frequently refers to Izo Iburi, who, after Oyasama's withdrawal from physical life, bestowed the Sazuke and delivered the Divine Directions based on the truth of the everliving Oyasama. In fact, even when Oyasama was physically present, Izo Iburi was already conveying the directions of God the Parent. At the time, however, he was not called the Honseki but the "work place."* Then on March 25, 1887--several weeks after Oyasama's withdrawal from physical life--a Divine Direction told followers:

In order to bestow this gift, I wish to end his present position and settle him as the Honseki. As it is now, it is regretful, regretful. Sah, sah, will you accept this? Sah, is it agreed?

Osashizu, March 25, 1887

He was settled as the Honseki as a result of this Divine Direction and thereafter began to bestow the Sazuke.

* Presumably, as opposed to the "play room," which referred to Oyasama.

(This article was first published in the April 2005 issue of TENRIKYO.)