A Person Who Convinces Others

The Meaning of "A Person Who Convinces Others"

For those of us who have faith in the teachings and are committed to the path of single-hearted salvation, what does it mean to be "a person who convinces others"? I feel it means that we say and do things in the way taught by Oyasama at all times, whether at work or in our private lives. This is so essential to all of us.

140 (1977): 58th Hokkaido Diocese Convention

Efforts to Nurture Ourselves

To be "a person who convinces others" does not mean simply to acquire knowledge and pass it on to others. In order to be "a person who convinces others," we must make efforts to nurture ourselves in the way we are taught. This is not an easy thing to do. But I feel that God the Parent will accept the sincere efforts we make day after day and, before we know it, enable us to be "a person who convinces others." I feel that the very efforts we make to nurture ourselves are the key to being "a person who convinces others."

140 (1977): Shimane Diocese Convention

The Mind of Joyousness

Since we all live in a network of interpersonal relationships, it only stands to reason that things do not always go the way we want them to. In fact, there are times when something we did with good intentions leads to an unfavorable turn of events and consequently, though we may have no recollection of having done anything wrong, we find ourselves in a situation we did not anticipate at all. Even at times like these, however, we should continue making efforts to give rise to joyousness in our minds. I believe this is the way to become "a person who convinces others." If one delights in whatever one hears and appreciates whatever one sees, one's joy can brighten the minds of those around one, and if it continues to spread farther and wider, the world of the Joyous Life will eventually be created. By freely using our minds alone, we can make efforts--anytime and anywhere--to attain joyousness. This requires neither another's help nor particular tools.

143 (1980): Opening of Osaka Diocese Office

Living in Single-heartedness with God

God says, "If you maintain a mind that convinces others and go along the path of single-heartedness with God, you will enjoy marvelous blessings in every matter." (Osashizu, May 6, 1890) This instruction makes me feel that holding fast to single-heartedness with God is central to the thoughts and actions of "a person who convinces others." I also feel that if we always maintain faith that is single-hearted with God and live with the attitude of hinokishin each day, we shall convince others of the true meaning of being a Tenrikyo follower.

146 (1983): Honshiba Grand Church Oyasama Centennial Anniversary Yoboku Pep Rally

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Oyasama always taught that if only we follow the Divine Model in exact accord with the Divine Model, we can live in single-heartedness with God. We must ponder over this parental love once again carefully so that we shall be able to perceive, accept, understand, and act out the Parent's intention embodied in the Divine Model and, consequently, make people say: "The way followers of the path live is really inspiring. How I wish to learn such a way of living!" In order to bring this about, I should like all of you to be the first to settle the Parent's intention in your mind and master the way of putting it into practice.

148 (1985): 67th Women's Association Convention